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VIC Seminars


Cracking the Hard Class - Primary

Cracking the Hard Class - Primary

A Seminar for Primary School Teachers
Presented by Dr Bill Rogers

This seminar will help in addressing a challenge faced by many teachers today – Why is this particular class so difficult? What can we do, together, to change things? How can we get out of the spiral of defeat and low expectation to enhance success in learning, and social interaction? Most of all how can we support one another?

Register a Group & Save
Register 5 or more delegates and pay $278 per person

Please Note: You may use the Group Register (Group) button below to enrol 2 or more delegates as it will be quicker.

The Group Discount is automatically calculated when you enter 5 or more delegates.

Seminar Program

Registration 8.30am – 9.00am Seminar 9.00am – 3.00pm

As many teachers wish to attend our MELBOURNE seminars we offer separate days for PRIMARY  (Wed) and SECONDARY(Fri). Please ensure you enrol in the correct seminar.


Cracking the Hard Class - Secondary

Cracking the Hard Class - Secondary

A Seminar for Secondary Teachers
Presented by Dr Bill Rogers

This seminar will help in addressing a challenge faced by many teachers today – Why is this particular class so difficult? What can we do, together, to change things? How can we get out of the spiral of defeat and low expectation to enhance success in learning, and social interaction? Most of all how can we support one another?

Register a Group & Save
Register 5 or more delegates and pay $278 per person

Please Note: You may use the Group Register (Group) button below to enrol 2 or more delegates as it will be quicker.

The Group Discount is automatically calculated when you enter 5 or more delegates.

Seminar Program
Registration 8.30am – 9.00am Seminar 9.00am – 3.00pm

As many teachers wish to attend our MELBOURNE seminars we offer separate days for PRIMARY (Wed) and SECONDARY (Fri). Please ensure you enrol in the correct seminar.

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