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'Teachers should be the most professionally and personally developed people in the world'

Dealing with a classroom of individuals all with varying needs and implementing a demanding curriculum is, without doubt, a challenging career choice! The Dynamic Learning Group values teachers as true professionals and believe that you deserve a high standard of support to assist in your important role as Educators.


Our journey began in 2011 when The Dynamic Learning Group was established with the aim of offering educational seminars of the highest quality to assist in the professional and personal growth of EducatorsThe response from teachers attending our seminars, both face-to-face and online, continues to be overwhelmingly positive! 

We sincerely thank over 15 000 dedicated educators that have attended our seminars - in person or online -  since we began 12 years ago. We are especially grateful to those schools and teachers who come back year after year ... we love our seminar ‘groupies’!


The Dynamic Learning Group works with Australia's most respected educational specialists who have an in-depth knowledge and experience in their subject matter which they share in clear, motivating presentations. Each speaker uses a variety of teaching methods designed to enhance the individual's learning experience. The content of every seminar and online resource is unique and provides up-to-date information on curriculum and syllabus innovations as well as practical ideas that can be easily applied in the classroom.

We are enormously proud of the quality of Educators that form The Dynamic Learning Group Team and feel that the testimonials received from teachers speak for themselves!

Dr Bill Rogers
Absolutely brilliant! Engaging; informative & most importantly, practical. Teach for a day or your whole career and you will still be better at your craft after a day with Dr Bill Rogers!

Kath Murdoch
Kath you are amazing and so inspiring! If I implement just 1% of what I learned I will be a much better teacher!

Deb Sukarna

Absolutely brilliant. Practical and very helpful. Lots of information that's relevant. Deb is such a wonderful presenter - thank you for such a worthwhile day!

Dr Ian Lillico
Thanks Ian...your inspiration, enthusiasm and strategies will be used for many, many years to come.

Dr Rich Allen

Highly engaging and fun with countless useful strategies and ideas to adapt, adjust and apply! Thank you! Amazing! Awesome! Invigorating!

 The Dynamic Learning Group is committed to providing exemplary professional development for Australian Educators and we certainly look forward to supporting you!

Sincere Regards


Suzanne Drew (B Ed, Grad Dip Children's Literature & Literacy)
Founder/Director - The Dynamic Learning Group

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